Course Project Form

Course Project Form

Course projects are applied research and solution development projects led by professors teaching variety of courses in 3 Bachelor and 2 Master degree programs offered by Akian College of Science and Engineering. We teach around 100 courses in Computer Science, Engineering, Maths, Data Science, Technology and Operations Management, IT, Analytics and more. We partner with dozens of companies who invite our students to think together, research and develop solutions to challenges that are not in the direct production cycle, but have great potential to improve productivity, services and products that companies offer. Course projects are designed to give students more meaningful learning experience, equip with specific domain expertise and learn about great opportunities in industry for their future careers. Many of our talented students find their dream jobs after projects with companies.

If you think of a project that can be potentially developed with our students of all grades, please fill in the form below and we will contact you back to discuss potential partnership.

  • Max. file size: 1 MB.
    (uploading your logo will increase the visibility of this announcement in the list)
  • Please describe the type of project, in informal and brief language (Our company wants to do A, and need more research on B, and are looking for a student, or a team C)
  • What skills Students need to have to be able to work on the project ? (e.g. C++, Python, ML, R, analytics, html, operations research, production planning)
    (Check as many as you believe fit your project nature, click on programs to learn more about program)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.